Custom Built Computers

Custom Built computers are our specialty at Z-Ware Systems. We carry a full line of high quality parts from which to craft your custom built machine. From upgrading your old machine into something which you can truly use, to building the latest Intel CORE-2 Duo or Quad, or AMD based screamer, we can do it all. We only use the highest quality parts, and we make sure everything fits together right the first time. We also do upgrades on Macintoshes, from processor and memory upgrades, internal and external hard drives, CD-RW and DVD-RW drives, and other internal and peripheral components. All of the computers that we build are fully upgradeable, not like some of the name brand computers that you might buy at an appliance or department store. When the time comes that new technology is announced, we will be able to upgrade your computer, rather than having to replace the entire unit. If you already have a computer that can't be upgraded, sometimes it's possible to upgrade by re-using some of the parts from it to construct a new, upgradeable computer. We don't build the computer until we talk to you first. We need to find out what kind of computer will best suit your needs, then we build that computer, rather than pulling something off the shelf. Our prices are competitive with any of the pre-built places, and our after the sale support is second to none. We also do custom work on laptop computers. While we don't build new custom laptops, we have a source of new and pre-owned, off-lease laptops, and we can customize those laptops to meet your needs. We can also provide docking workstations, port replicators, and wireless solutions for your laptop, and can build your laptop to your specifications.

Because every situation is different, we generally don't put prices on our Web site, but you can eitherE-MAIL us or telephone us at (609) 585-8415 for price quotations on single unit or volume purchases. If E-MAILing us, please tell us if you are local or mail-order, so that we can quote prices with the appropriate shipping or taxes. In addition, since some accessories require installation by a skilled technician, we quote prices on those accessories ONLY as installed.

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This page copyright 1998-2009 by Z-Ware Systems. Last updated 09/04/09 at 22:53