Z-Ware Systems is fully qualified to repair, refurbish, and upgrade HP and most other Canon engine based Laser Printers.
We are experienced with HP printers from the original LaserJet up to the latest models.
We also can get used laser printers, typically from one of the leasing companies that we have a relationship with, although we also occasionally take them in trade or buy them outright. These are usually a year or two old, have seen service in a corporate environment, and are cleaned and refurbished before being offered for sale to our customers.
We do NOT sell Laser printer parts, other than toner cartridges and items that are generally intended by the manufacturer to be user-installable, unless we install them. The reason for this is twofold: First, we cannot guarantee any part that we do not install. Second, often we are approached for parts because someone has misdiagnosed a machine only to find that the problem was not where they thought it was, and the part replaced was not the problem at all. Since we often have to special order parts, we cannot take back something that we have sold unless it is truly defective. While PC's are generally modular, and designed to have the parts replaced by the end user, laser printers generally should be serviced by an experienced shop. Therefore, if you are interested in purchasing parts that you would like to install yourself, you might be better off going directly to the manufacturer of your printer (who may not sell you the parts either for the same reason!)
Our service prices vary by the type of service you need, so we don't post them. You can eitherE-MAIL us or telephone us at (609) 585-8415 for price quotations on repairs and upgrades. If you E-Mail, please include the BRAND and MODEL NUMBER of the printer, the type of service required, and both a TELEPHONE NUMBER and an E-MAIL ADDRESS where we can reach you for further information should we need it. Please keep in mind that many repair quotations cannot be made via telephone or E-Mail, as we need to see the equipment in order to make an accurate diagnosis of any problems you may be having. Upgrade quotations are based on upgrading a properly working machine. Because many repair parts are sold on an exchange basis, if the printer that you want to upgrade is not working properly, there will be an additional charge for getting it into working order before upgrading it.
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This page copyright 1998-2009 by Z-Ware Systems. Last updated 09/07/09 at 21:25