Z-Ware Systems Networking Solutions
At Z-Ware, we can provide anything from a single network station to a complete turnkey networking solution for Windows XP, Vista, or Windows 7, or Macintosh environments. We also have experience in mixed-platform environments (we run a mixed environment here at Z-Ware ourselves!), and can integrate new workstations into an existing network, provide servers, or virtually anything else that you may need in the form of a network, including network topology planning, wiring, and the security that is needed for any network. We can also analyze your poorly performing networks, find the bottlenecks, and eliminate them. We use equipment from vendors such as Cisco Systems, Bay Networks, and D-Link to create the best network for your particular needs. Wiring from companies such as Belden and SysteMax, jacks and fittings from Lucent Technologies, and patch panels and cables from Belden and Intellinet complete the network. We know the value of using patch panels and jacks where appropriate, and not just crimping a plug on the end of a piece of wire to make a cable. Our emphasis is on the performance and reliability of your network, not just the price.
We build your network with Plenum Grade Category 5E or Category 6 cable, in order to meet local and national fire codes, and we make sure that your network meets or exceeds all standards. We use only quality parts, install them the right way, and build a network that will be safe and reliable.
We can also get your entire office connected to the Internet using a Cable, DSL, FIOS, or dedicated connection, and provide the appropriate routers, firewalls, and switches to share your Internet connection among all of your computers, and have your entire network performing at its potential. Our expertise extends to wireless networks, including Wireless A, B, G, and N. We can integrate your BlueTooth devices such as PDAs, into your network as well. If you would like to set up a Virtual Private Network (VPN) so that you can work from home or connect multiple office locations, we can do that as well.
We don't do networks off-the-shelf. Instead, every network is custom designed to meet our client's needs, so that you don't overbuy or underpower your network.

Because your network will be custom built, it would be impossible to put prices on our Web site, but you can eitherE-MAIL us or telephone us at (609) 585-8415 for price quotations on single unit or volume purchases. We will also network your new computers, or integrate them into your existing network.
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This page copyright 1998-2009 by Z-Ware Systems. Last updated 09/07/09 at 14:20